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CP 9988 Off-Road Driver Training


The UK's only professional Association dedicated to Off-Road Driver training at Authorised Venues throughout the UK


BORDA's standards for Training Off-Road Drivers

The objective is to equip drivers with the very latest skills and knowledge to operate a 4x4 in off-highway conditions for work and private use.


  •  Is the Associations standard for Driving AWD vehicles in the UK.

  •  BORDA Specialist Trainer (BST) is the minimum accreditation to deliver BORDA training.

  •  BST Assessor is the minimum accreditation to assess BORDA training for Certificates of Proficiency.

Requires continuous supervision from a BST in the front passenger seat.
Assumes sound road driving competence and requires an appropriate current full UK driving licence.
Training on the Public Road, including Unsurfaced Rights of Way, is specifically outside BORDA's Codes of Practice.
Additional training may be required for conditions and equipment outside the scope of this CoP.

Requires identification of training needs and appropriate choice of training units to meet the needs.

BORDA recognises 3 levels of Off-Road Driver Training and 2 levels of Certification.


Basic Level 4x4 Safety Awareness Course:

Basic Course
Suitable for drivers operating on mild slopes, around 15 degrees with run-out areas, and reasonable
traction. This is the standard for private and commercial drivers who use 4x4 vehicles regularly but
only drive in mild off-highway conditions which may only give reasonable traction such as mud,
grass, gravel snow, and ice. The course would include the use of the 4x4 transmission systems together
with general off-road driving disciplines.
The course will include Units 1-7 from our syllabus plus additional units as brought out by the
training needs analysis.
This course is delivered on the basis of a 2:1 ratio over a half-day or up to 4 trainees over a full day.

Standard Level Off-Road Driving Course:

Standard Course-
Suitable for drivers operating on moderate slopes, around 25 degrees with run-out areas and
reasonable traction. This is the standard recommended both private and commercial for drivers who
may use 4x4 vehicles in off-highway areas of moderate difficulty. The course would cover disciplines
such as traction, ascents, descents, ditches, ruts, and side slopes in addition to all of the items
covered on a Basic Course.
The course will include units 1-11 plus additional units as brought out by the training needs analysis
and delivered on a 2:1 ratio over a full day or on a 3:1 ratio over an extended day.

Higher Level Off Road Driving Course:

Higher Level Course
Suitable for drivers operating on slopes above 25 degrees with run-out areas, and possibly
low traction.
This is the standard for operators working in unknown conditions and likely to encounter
situations that require a high level of training and skill. This level confirms competence at the
standard level then extends the driver's skill to cope with situations up to the vehicle's
capabilities. It also trains drivers to assess and recognise situations beyond the vehicle's limits
which must be avoided.
The course will include all of the units covered within our Basic & Standard Levels i.e. units 1:11
together with units 12- 18 which will include disciplines relating specifically to operating on
steeper ascents/descents loss of engine braking, self-recovery, changing wheels, and driving in
darkness. Within this level of, course operating with loads and trailers can also be covered.
The Higher Level will include (units 1 - 20) and is a two-day course at a maximum ratio of 3 - 1


Certificate of Training

This is issued to candidates subject to demonstrating competence to complete all units of the
prescribed level whilst under tuition.

Certificate of Proficiency

This is issued to candidates subject to demonstrating competence to complete all units of the
prescribed level un-prompted and will involve continuous and final assessment.

Training Schedules-
A copy of the completed Training Schedule will also be provided confirming the
disciplines/units covered together with notes relating to trainee performance.

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